A warm welcome to the Millhouse Community and to other readers!
The leaves are starting to fall and the sun is setting earlier now that daylight saving has ended. It's a great reminder for us to keep warm and stay dry so that we may avoid getting sick as winter approaches.
FLU vaccinations are now available.
Make an appointment to see the practice nurse. When you have an appointment, check your text message to see which which building your appointment is in.
and this month
Dr Dan writes about the amazingly healthful properties of
Coconut Oil
Millhouse News
Dr Alet Stoltz will be competing in the Rotorua marathon at the end of April. This will the 30th marathon that she has run! She will be running her next marathon in New York later this year. We wish her the best of luck. Dr Stephanie Nam Is entering into late pregnancy and she will be taking maternity leave from May until October this year. We wish her all the best for her and her growing family. Dr Aileen Wong will be away for the second half of April as there was a family emergency in Malaysia. We wish her all the best.
Dr Daniel Quistorff has had a lot of success in treating migraines with intravenous magnesium. If you are a migraine sufferer, you may benefit. Note that IV magnesium does cost an extra $30 in addition to the regular consultation price. Dr Ric Coleman is keeping up to date with the latest in integrative medicine. Ric will be attending a Nutrition in Medicine conference in Sydney at the end of this month.
Dr Therese Khella is our resident expert in Mirena, Jadelle and IUD insertion and removal. If you have any questions about contraception she is a fantastic wealth of knowledge.
This month Dr Dan writes about how unrefined (virgin) Coconut Oil has been shown to have a number of healthful effects including…
• Improving brain function
• Reducing fungal Infections
• Reducing bacterial Infections
• Reducing viral infections
• Improving weight loss
• Reducing gum disease
• Reducing halitosis (bad breath)
• Improving diabetes
• Improving skin conditions like acne and dandruff
• Reducing acid reflux
• Improving good cholesterol (HDL)
Yours in good health,
Dr Richard Coleman