BHSc (Nursing), NZRN, PG Dip, Designated Nurse Prescriber in Primary Health and specialty teams
Monday - Friday at various times. See e-booking calendar
How does one become a Nurse Practitioner, and what is their role?
Matanga Tapuhi or Nurse Practitioners are independent practitioners who have undergone rigorous training acquiring special skills over 4 years as they study for a Master’s in Nursing university degree. Their scope of practice exceeds a Registered nurse. They are able to undertake a comprehensive patient health history & examination, arrange investigative tests (blood, Xray, CT scan, Ultrasound scan), formulate diagnoses, and activate appropriate treatments. These may include writing prescriptions, specialist referral and giving lifestyle advice. A NP can assess injuries, perform Driver’s Licence & Insurance Medicals and issue Off-Work & Death Certificates and Work & Income forms. NZ currently has 700 Nurse Practitioners.
I take great pride in my new role and my goal is to provide enhanced and prompt care without compromising patient safety. This wider scope of nursing services allows the practice to provide convenient, timely and practical care, improve access to medicine and minimise double handling of patients.