A warm welcome to the Millhouse Community and to other readers.
January has come and gone and February is here. January was the month we should have dedicated to 'looking after ourselves' as we now leave the summer holidays to resume work and school. I hope you enjoyed the sun-filled days, replenished your winter-Vitamin D stores, and exercised to stimulate new brain pathways, as well as having fun, with friends and family.
This month Dr Ric writes about the 'politics' of marijuana.
The sea water was warm - great for swimming- and even
the sea lice revelled causing skin irritation in a few but
now in February the hurricane season appears to have
come with heavy rain interspersed with sunny days and high humidity. In this newsletter I want to consider briefly the politics of marijuana and the decriminalisation of NZ drug laws.
We have had staffing changes.
Practice Nurses: We are saddened that Practice Nurse Amanda is moving to Christchurch, where affordable lifestyle and housing ownership are more easily achieved. Amanda has been dedicated and caring, and has shared her knowledge to improve the wellbeing of Millhouse patients. She will be missed, but we have been fortunate in finding an able replacement in Practice Nurse Josie.
Practice Nurse Michael as you know has joined us. You will remember Michael on reception for a number of years while he trained; he is now a new nurse graduate.
Reception is also changing, with Ashley joining us to replace Karyn who is leaving after a number of years of dedicated service to Millhouse.
Appointments Online are a convenient way of booking a doctor consultation.
This is easily done by going to the Millhouse home page http://www.millhousemedical.co.nz. Click on either 'ebooking' at the top of the screen or
'Book an Appointment with us now' at the bottom which takes you immediately to the ConnectMed where available doctor's appointments can be viewed and selected.
If you click on an available appointment you can LOGIN using your email address and password. Remember you must first register using the same email address that you have given Millhouse and also select a password.
You can also cancel appointments online. After LOGIN select 'Appointment Tab' at the top of the screen then 'Upcoming Appointments' which will indicate your appointments which you are able to delete.
Influenza vaccinations will be available shortly.
Shingles vaccination wil be FREE for those over 65 yrs from the 1st April. Zostarix immunisation helps prevent herpes zoster infection and lowers the incidence of debilitating neuralgia caused by continuing viral nerve irritation.
We will send follow-up email and text reminders to you.
This month - Dr Ric writes about the 'politics' of marijuana.
Cannabis or marijuana, also known as dope, hashish, pot or weed, has been known for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Dr Ric was disappointed when the MP Chloe Swarbrick's Medicinal Cannabis Bill was defeated (47 votes for, 73 votes against) preventing public consideration of legal protection for patients who grow cannabis for medicinal use. A more conservative government bill - if passed - will allow cannabis-based medicinal products to be prescribed by health professionals. That is a positive move.
Cannabis has been used in China and India for centuries, and in recent centuries by medics and midwives in Britain and the USA, Since 1927 it has been illegal in New Zealand mainly because of the association with opium and crime. However since 199 there has been increasing public pressure to review its status, especially in relation to the terminally ill. Forms of cannabis are known to help with cancer, MS,epilepsy, pain, migraine, arthritis and digestive disorders. It is time for our Parliament to review drug policy relating to marijuana.
Want to read the full newsletter?Download the full February newsletter....
Want to read other articles by Dr Ric and the team?Check the archives.....
Yours in good health
Dr Ric Coleman and the Millhouse Team