Haven't we enjoyed a warm autumn? Climate scientists forecast that May 2016 will be the hottest on record. Pictures of cars in Canada fleeing the forest fires were graphic reminders that global warming is here and will radically affect our lives and health in the future.
However as I write the weather has changed, and the cool winds and rain of winter have come and there is an increase in chest cough and colds. Are you prepared for winter maladies and the adverse effects they can bring, especially if you suffer from chronic disease?
FLU vaccinations are now available. If you haven't had one, consider booking an appointment with the nurse for a flu shot. Remember to dress warmly and use good hygiene practices - regular hand washing or hand sanitisers especially when visiting public places. Take a vitamin D supplement, use spice medicine, and add garlic to your food. Exercise frequently as this is preventative and will boost your immune system.
and this month Dr Ric reports about the recent ACNEM conference and writes about its theme of Environmental Influences on Health
Millhouse News.
Nursing Team Update - we have had a number of changes in the nurse team. Maree is now taking the lead organisational role. Mary has a special interest in lifestyle management and insulin therapy. Ably assisted by Kate, Leonie and Lisa, she is actively encouraging those with obesity, prediabetes, diabetes and heart problems to become actively involved in their health: being positive in action, sleeping soundly, eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly and enjoying living.
Nurse consultations for these and other chronic illnesses are free when enrolled in the At Risk Programme. It is a delight seeing patients succeed, improve their health and become more active in daily living.
Gabriella joined the nurse team last week and is also skilled in helping those with chronic and acute illness.
Nurse Charges. There is a nurse charge for liquid nitrogen therapy, ear syringing, travel advice and for those requesting specific information where extensive search time is taken. However nurse blood pressure readings at the clinic continue to be free.
New Nurse Uniforms. The nurses have chosen a new nurse uniform which they will start wearing shortly and I do hope this is to your liking.
Phone Messages. The practice nurses have asked if you could speak slowly and clearly, when leaving a phone message, as sometimes they have trouble deciphering the communication.
In this newsletter I discuss a highlight from the recent Nutrition in Medicine Conference in Sydney which focussed on environmental influences in health. I hope you find this of interest.
Yours in good health,
Dr Richard Coleman