A warm welcome to the Millhouse Community and to other readers,
This week the media carried headlines'Sugar providing fuel for rheumatic fever' after Dr Simon Thornley released findings from his research into seven years of health records of over 20,000 Pasifika and Maori children in South Auckland.
High sugar foods like fizzy drinks and fruit juices change the microflora in the mouth leading to growth of harmful bacteria that ferment sugar, releasing acid that leaches in and destroys tooth enamel beginning the process of tooth decay. The harmful moth environment also predisposes children to the growth of haemolytic Streptococcal bacteria, which can lead to throat infection and tonsillitis; toxins released may cause acute inflammation of the heart (rheumatic fever) and damage the heart valves. This information is not new and the article highlighted that in the 1930's Dr Weston Price had observed the deleterious effect of the Western refined diet on the teeth of Maori and Pasifika children. (For more see the
December 2012 newsletter).
and Dr Dan writes about
Stress Reduction
I hope the health authorities and politicians digest this
information carefully and finally have the fortitude to tax all imported sugar and fruit juices, sending a strong message not to eat these foods. I have written about this on many occasions and hope families in the Millhouse community have already eliminated refined sugar (fizzy drinks & sweets), starches (white flour products – bread, pasta, cakes & cookies) and fruit juice from their food selections. A Western diet not only causes rotten teeth but can leave a legacy of teenage acne and obesity, as well as gallstones, diabetes, heart disease and cancer later in life. I would also encourage parents to give additional Vitamin D to strengthen the growing teeth and prevent tooth decay. warm welcome to the Millhouse Community and to other readers,
Millhouse News - Personnel Changes
It was sad last week to bid farewell to Practice Nurse Jackie who has immigrated to Brisbane, Australia to join her husband. We have been extremely fortunate in appointing Mary Goldfinch as her replacement to the medical team. Practice Nurse Mary brings a wealth of experience in weight management, and encouraging pre-diabetics and diabetics to make positive lifestyle changes as well as adjusting their medication where needed. Remember that restful sleep each night, regular exercise, a whole food diet with generous addition of spices, and having meaningful relationships are the hallmarks of a happy long life and the keys to improving chronic illness.
Dr Daniel Quistorff
I mentioned in the last newsletter that Dr Daniel had joined us, an American by birth, who trained at the Universities of California and Auckland, graduating in medicine. He is a most likeable character and has a special interest in becoming a skilled integrative physician combining the best of technological medicine with mind-body interventions and nutritional therapies.
In this newsletter Dr Dan highlights the importance of MINDFULNESS practices for health improvement and to assist in the relief of suffering for the many who have chronic disease.
Dr Therese Khella
Remember too that from 27th October Dr Therese will be available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8.00-12.00am, as well as continuing to be available for consultation all day Tuesday and Thursday. Dr Therese is a skilled family practitioner who has a special focus in women's and children's health and is fluent in English and Arabic.
EastHealth PHO
There are 32 non-profit Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) in New Zealand whose prime focus is to improve and maintain health for their enrolled population, and also to ensure that services are provided in the community to restore people's health when they are unwell. The PHO aims to link General Practice with other health services to ensure a seamless continuum of care.
East Health is one of New Zealand's leading PHOs, displaying excellence in delivering health preventive strategies in smoking cessation, cardiovascular risk assessment and screening programmes for the detection of breast and cervical cancer. Self-management programmes that East Health provides include HEALS – healthy eating active lifestyle, Smoking cessation, Mindfulness, and Pain, Diabetes and Weight Self Management. These are all freely available for registered practice patients.
This month Dr Dan discusses being MINDFUL as we live, work, play and cope with the stresses of daily life. East Health has initiated an 8 week MINDFULNESS program to teach meditative and reflective insight for our journey through daily life. A useful scientific study is Davis and Hayes synthesis of the research.
Yours in good health,
Dr Richard J Coleman