Dr Aileen is a New Zealand-trained Fellow of the RNZ College of GPs who has a special interest in Child & Women’s’ health, complex medical conditions, and IUCD insertion. Aileen works Monday to Friday and speaks fluent English, Cantonese and Mandarin.
Dr Ric is the owner of Millhouse Medical Centre and a New Zealand-trained Fellow of the RNZ College of GPs. Ric has a special interest in integrative medicine including acupuncture and nutritional medicine and is skilled in minor surgery. Ric works Monday to Saturday and speaks English.
Dr Satya is a New Zealand-registered Fellow of the RNZ College of GPs. Her special interests are Child & Women’s health, IUCD insertion. and minor surgery. Satya is available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and speaks Tamil, Teluga and Hindi languages.
Dr Stephanie is a New Zealand-trained Fellow of the RNZ College of GPs who has a special interest in Child & Women’s’ health, complex medical conditions, and IUCD insertion. Aileen works Monday to Friday in the mornings and speaks fluent English and Korean.
Dr Dan is New Zealand-trained and undertaking training for the RNZ College of GPs. He has a special interest in integrative medicine and nutrition. Dan works Monday to Saturday at varying times and speaks English.
Dr Therese is a New Zealand-registered Fellow of the RNZ College of GPs and is especially interested in child & women’s health, and family planning including IUCD insertion. Therese works Tuesdays and Thursdays and speaks fluent English and Arabic.
Practice Locations: 128 and 130 Millhouse Drive Howick, Auckland 2013
Phone: (09) 537 4980
Email: reception@millhousemedical.co.nz
8:30am - 6.45 pm weekdays (last appointment 6:30pm) at 128
8:30am - 5.00 pm weekdays at 130
9:00am - 12:00 pm Saturdays at 128
After-Hours Emergency and Medical Care is provided by:
Eastcare A&E: 260 Botany Road, Howick, 2013 Phone 277 1516