A warm welcome to the Millhouse Community and to other readers.
In the March Newsletter I noted that New Zealand had just diagnosed the first person, a returning Iranian traveller, with COVID-19. Much has changed since then, and as I write today there have been 1544 confirmed cases and 22 deaths from the virus in New Zealand. The Government's actions were very effective in eliminating local transmission; however the risk of disease spread remains, with many New Zealanders returning from countries plagued with the COVID illness.
The future holds so many unknowns. There is uncertainty as to whether contracting COVID-19 conveys ongoing protective immunity, whether a successful vaccine will be found, how long can the country be kept in geographic isolation, and ultimately what price we are prepared to pay for health and employment.
If the 1918 Spanish Flu - which continued for two years, with four successive waves, affecting a third of the world's population and killing more than 20 million people - is anything to go by, there will be ongoing surges of COVID infection until at least 50% of the population develop herd immunity, or an effective vaccine is found.
Continue to be vigilant; protective nutrients taken daily will enhance and provide protective action for the immune system:
Dr Ric's main article this month takes a broader view of Covid 19 and reiterates the advice he gave in the Updates between March and June, about strengthening your immune system.
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Yours in good health
Dr Ric Coleman and the Millhouse Team
and this month Dr Ric writes in more detail about what you can do to stay healthy and especially how Vitamin D can help against Covid-19