A warm welcome to the Millhouse Community and to other readers.
The Wuhan Novel Coronavirus, now referred to as Covid-19, remains in the forefront of our minds. For New Zealanders it began with two people being infected on their cruise ship, and the other NZ passengers being quarantined on their arrival home. Then, not unexpectedly, on Friday 28 February the first homeland person was diagnosed after their return from Iran. These events have been a reminder to Millhouse staff that we must be vigilant dealing with probable highly infectious patients; of which there have been three thus far. Any person now who has returned from China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Italy and Iran are suspect if they have respiratory symptoms. We are asking that anyone with symptoms to please phone the clinic first, and on arrival wait in the car at Millhouse, so we don't place patients and staff at risk. We will attend to you in the car park wearing protective gowns, masks and goggles.
Covid-19 coronavirus will soon have infected over 100,000, with nearly 3000 deaths. Some have suggested the true figures are much higher exceeding ½ million as it spreads across the world to become a pandemic infection.
and this month Dr Ric attends to issues and concerns around the
Coronavirus Emergency
Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, and their contacts, we have cancelled ON-LINE bookings and returned to appointments by TELEPHONE only. This is to ensure everyone is asked before coming to the clinic whether they may possibly be at risk of carrying the virus, and lessen the chance of our patients and staff becoming infected. We will inform you promptly when on-line bookings resume.
Leonie and Gabriella are both prescribing nurses. Gabriella will commence her weekly Nurse Clinic shortly, seeing patients with acute needs as well as offering lifestyle advice to those with chronic disease.
This month's theme: Coronavirus - Covid-19
Dr Ric notes that the so-far small number of cases of Covid 19 in our city has prompted panic buying of Toilet Paper and Hand Sanitiser. He explains what this virus is and compares it's threat level with previous viral epidemics. At this stage reports from China suggest it is mainly older people who have died, and that authorities are considering use of intravenous Vitamin C as a treatment regime.
Our advice for Staying Safe includes: Assessing your Risk, Washing Hands with Soap, Keeping Your Distance, Avoiding Unsafe Places and Preparing an Emergency Plan. If you do have flu-like symptoms, seek medical advice by telephone. Wearing a face mask and Coughing and sneezing only into elbows/tissues are also sensible precautions if you are concerned you have a viral infection. Advice for maintaining a strong immune system is also offered. These suggestions are all explained more comprehensively in the full newsletter which can be downloaded here....
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Yours in good health
Dr Ric Coleman and the Millhouse Team