A warm welcome to the Millhouse Community and to other readers.
As I write this the weather is still indifferent and a number continue to present with flu and respiratory infections. Remember to keep warm, use hygienic practices and continue supplementing with vitamin D & C, zinc and turmeric to boost your immune system.
In this newsletter I highlight the bowel screening programme and briefly discuss colon cancer prevention. Not surprisingly the strategies which are best for cancer prevention are also the foods that boost the immune system and help prevent infection - eating a wholesome fresh unprocessed diet of predominantly fruit and vegetables, liberally sprinkled with spices.
and this month
Dr Ric writes about the new national Bowel Screening programme and preventing colon cancer
EAR SUCTION We are introducing ear suction, a safer and more effective method of removing ear wax, rather than using water syringing as we have done. We have purchased a suction device and magnifying light so there will be higher cost for this procedure.
COMMUNITY SERVICE CARDS Do you qualify for a Community Service Card? If so from 1 December you will be entitled to a lower consultation fee. Check out Work and Income online to see if you qualify for a CSC.
REMEMBER ZOSTAVAX SHINGLES VACCINATION for the prevention of shingles, and especially shingles neuralgia, is free for those over 65 years. Just make an appointment to see our Practice Nurse.
PRACTICE NURSE CHARGES No service is free at the clinic and this includes the time that practice nurses spend doing immunisations, discussing blood results by phone, taking blood pressure readings, removing wax from ears or giving B12 injections. A nurse fee or procedure charge does apply for the majority of nurse services requested.
This month
Dr Ric writes about Bowel Screening, Colon Cancer and the Poo Test:
The NZ Government has now allocated $78 million to commence a nationwide bowel screening programme following a successful trial. The new programme has been modified and improved from the lessons learned in the pilot and this will improve the rate of cancer detection. Fortunately if bowel cancer is diagnosed early it is among the most treatable of cancers.
However one third of all bowel cancers will still be missed and 1660 New Zealanders died of the disease in 2016. Be vigilant in seeking advice if you have any change in bowel symptoms. These include -
Passing blood, a change in bowel habits for more than one month, bloating or abdominal pain and weight loss.
Those with an immediate family history of bowel cancer, suffer from inflammatory bowel disease or hereditary bowel polyposis are at greater risk and should have regular colonoscopy examination.
The POO-stool-faecal test used in the national screening programme detects blood. If you are 60-74 years, near your birthday (even days in 2018 & odd days in 2019) you will be contacted by mail and informed that you are eligible for testing. The test involves sampling your poo hygienically with a test kit that will be provided free.
The rest of the article covers the layout of the bowel and how you can avoid colon cancer by eating a wholesome plant rich diet of vegetables, whole grains, nuts, especially beans, and fruits.
Want to read the full newsletter?Download the full September newsletter....
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Yours in good health
Dr Ric Coleman and the Millhouse Team